![Making the change to victory](https://i0.wp.com/removingveils.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/sword-790815_1920-1.jpg?resize=840%2C552&ssl=1)
Live in victory-it’s your call!
Own what we didn’t earn!
No matter what state we may find ourselves, we have whatever time that remains of our lives for making the change to victory. But we will not be doing it alone. It is God’s desire and design to bring each one of us to that high place in Him (Jer 29:11). We do not need to fear the insurmountable feat of winning victory. For even though the victory in life is won for us, the battle is His.
It is God’s nature to restore
![Live in victory](https://i0.wp.com/removingveils.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/elephant-2923910_1920.jpg?resize=348%2C232&ssl=1)
It is always surprising to see what great change can take place, and in such a short time, when one gives himself over to the moulding hands of the Lord Jesus.
Some years ago, Kenya had the worst drought it had had for centuries. Water sources dried up and wild life perished in their thousands. The elephants sought moisture from the trees and utterly destroyed what the drought didn’t kill. The result was that they too died off in their thousands, reducing the number of elephant herds to dangerous levels. There was nothing that the government could do to resolve the problem.
But twenty years later, a relatively short space of time to nature, the rains returned in abundance; trees grew, and the elephant population was restored.
Droughts, volcanoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters cause havoc to vast areas, but nature soon heals herself in the hands of God. He will have His benevolent balance! It is in the nature of God’s goodness to heal the natural and spiritual. His ever-present love looks to and fro for those who will allow Him (2Ch 16:9) to revive them to the position He has planned for them. It is only our stubbornness that prevents Him.
Allow God to be gracious
Our God is gracious; full of patience, mercy and lovingkindness. He made all things to work together in harmony (Rom 8:28), and is ever-present to uphold His creation, to heal and restore where He rightfully is able. But He will not accommodate sin to do so.
When one comes to his senses, repents of his sin, and turns back to God through Christ alone, he is immediately reconciled. Through faith in God’s promises, healing and restoration begins the instant one’s heart acknowledges the privilege into which he has entered . And, even though man’s sin may have repercussions, God always gives grace to endure and overcome; and the measure of grace received is always according to the faith and obedience we exercise.
God is quick to respond in love
Because God loves righteousness and hates sin, He is quick to respond to a heart that turns to Him. He wants to see His fallen creation redeemed and re-established. He releases captives – if they will let Him, and brings them into loving fellowship with Himself. Through His goodness, He will heal the brokenhearted and restore what the locust (life) has devoured (Joel 2:25). He will be the lifter of their heads, if only they will forsake their sin and turn to the Maker and Guardian of their souls. They will be amazed at how quickly they can find victory in life, regardless of the depths they have fallen.
A late starter is better than a non-starter
One who comes to God early in life saves himself from the ravages and regrets of a multitude of sin (Ecc 12:1). However, as I have personally discovered, a late starter is better than a non-starter! But the longer we leave off turning to God with our whole heart after coming to the knowledge of the truth, the more difficult it will be for us. If we delay our surrender, our hearts will become harder and our necks stiffer. And he who hardens his heart falls into calamity (Pro 28:14).
Most often than not we will experience no immediate penalty for our sin, and therefore, will be tempted to continue our way of life set apart from God by our continued willful disobedience to His law of righteousness. But we need to understand that it is His patience and loving kindness that gives us time to repent (2Pe 3:9). Let us not be foolish, but rather come to our senses and make use of the time our heavenly Father affords us while we are able. Let us not disregard the reason for Christ, nor regard as unclean the blood of His covenant, neither spurn the spirit of His grace (Heb 10:29); but rather use it to strengthen ourselves, and to live in the victory our God desires for us.
Light a fire to your past failures
![Live in victory](https://i0.wp.com/removingveils.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/flame-1363003_1920.jpg?resize=300%2C294&ssl=1)
Our time before was time enough for sin (1Pe 4:3). We have entered into the kingdom of God through repentance of our rebellion against His righteousness, accepting Christs offering of Himself to pay for our transgressions. The Spirit of Christ is here to strengthen us and give us a confirmed hope and courage to obtain the victory over our constant enemy of sin in this life. For we only have the remainder of this life to make it right. But our reward is to live in the eternal life to come in peace and happiness with our God and Savior.
Light a fire to the your past failures. They have brought you only death. Grab onto what remains, no matter what your age or state of being, and allow your heavenly Father to resuscitate you with His breath of life, and lead you to the victory that He has won for you.
To learn how to live in victory we need to learn how to break free from sin. The method God gave us is easy to follow. To learn more about how to break free from sin click here.
Let me know your thoughts on the above at hugh@removingveils.com